

2/27/2019 This blog is going up for a total revamp! The new focus is going to be on self-improvement, vulnerability, honesty, and sheer determination to help ALL of us struggling through life to grow together & support each other!

Situations that seem to be meant to drive you insane...

can also drive you to gain incredible strength, perseverance, and grit.

Seriously expect the worst in people, and expect yourself to bridge the gap to make things better

One must come to a point where they take up the pack upon their back and have the responsibility to take things into their own hands Its similar to what Dave Ramsey said that as parents, we should raise good ADULTS, not good children. we should not care about their GPA but reward and punish them based on their character and how they treat and respect other people. If someone close to you in your life wants to be a piece of shit (it may or may not surprise you if they have done this already so any times in the past that you're already basically emotionally numb to it because of your expectations have crashed into oblivion several times before), focus on what YOU can do about it and RESPOND to the situation instead of reacting to it. Realize the breath of life that you can breath into situations to make things better and how you have to pull yourself up by the boot straps and the entire situation. Raise the ocean so that all the boats in the water rise.

Think on Good Things

you HAVE to hope that all things will turn out for the better, because if you don't, you're either saying God doesn't exist, or He isn't benevolent -- He isn't the perfect Father who is looking out for your every move and cradling you through putting you the harshest of battles for Your Own Good

Expansive, Limitless, and Unbridled Potential -- Does NOT Mean "Better"

you know exactly wtf this means, girl

Life is like this CRAZY long-term trust exercise

have faith and find peace and refuge in His choice and in his choice.

Burned Wood, Remaining Calm in the Face of Chaos, & Thanksgiving - Turning work to play and play to work

on my way home right now from atlanta to orange county.... if you know anything about me in this time of my life this is probably one of the most anxiety-provoking, unsure, scary, alcohol-craving, worst/best episode to put myself in. I hope this time when I go home, How I've Changed SHOWS, I remain responsible not only in my studies but more importantly in my character, I remain awake spiritually and consiously, I don't emotionally fall apart I uphold responsibility to FEEL and validate everyone's humanity at home, like as if I loved them as much as my child, because I've never related to my close group that way and it's about time I do. Not only for laughs or adventure or good times or company, but to actually deeply love and appreciate them. and it should come out effortlessly nonverbally, if I am there in that state. I wish for us to talk, I wish a lot of things for us, to figure out how to come together again. Sigh. I guess for this Thanksgiving,